macOS® Driver and SDK for TouCAN USB Interfaces from Rusoku

Download: User-space Driver and SDK for TouCAN USB Interfaces


Rusoku Technologies is an innovative engineering team based in Lithuania, Europe. They offer CAN adapter at a reasonable price. Drivers and utilities for Windows and Linux are available as open-source. A macOS user-space driver for TouCAN USB interfaces from Rusoku is provided by UV Software.

macOS® Driver for TouCAN USB Interfaces from Rusoku

Please note: If you connect your TouCAN device to a real CAN network when using this library, you might damage your application.


Driver User-space Driver for TouCAN USB Interfaces
Current Version Version 0.2.2 of December 27, 2021
Documentation Readme file and Doxygen
License GNU General Public License v3.0
Standard CAN Specification 2.0
Hardware TouCAN USB (Model F4FS1)
Category Industrial Communication, CAN, MacCAN
Operating System macOS 11.x and 12.x (x86_64 & arm64)
OS X 10.13 and later (x86_64)
Source Code RusokuCAN repo on GitHub

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