CANopen Object Browser for Windows

Download: CANopen Object Browser for generic CAN Interfaces


The CANopen Object Browser is a tool to display and browse through a CANopen Object Dictionary based on EDS-Files. The program allows an online access to any connected CANopen device. This means to read and to write individual parameter values of a connected device.

The Object Dictionary window displays the CANopen object dictionary of a CANopen device taken either from an EDS-File or from a XML-File. On the left side of the window all objects are listed in a tree view order by categories. To navigate through the object tree use either the cursor-up/-down keys or click with the mouse on an item. On the right side all attributes and attribute values of the highlighted object are shown.

Parameter values can be entered in hexadecimal, decimal or octal form according to ANSI-C syntax. The value range of the data type will be checked by the program. But the value range of the parameter will be check by the device. Data access is only possible if a device is connected to the CAN-Interface board.

CANopen Object Browser for generic CAN Interfaces

Please note: Do not connect the program to a real application with a running CANopen network. This can damage your application.

Supported Interface

Currently the following CAN devices are supported (COPbrowser v0.5):

  • IXXAT Automation: all CAN devices with VCI driver (VCI V2; tested with iPC-I320/PCI and USB-to-CAN compact)
  • PEAK-System Technik: all CAN devices with PCAN driver (PCAN-Basic V1.0 + PCAN-Light V1.55; tested with PCAN-USB)
  • Vector Informatik: all CAN devices with VXL driver (VXL library V3.0; tested with CANcaseXL, USB)
  • M+K GmbH: RS-CAN-Wandler with ASPopen Interface (SW.M16C.MEW.C1R1.CANopen.ASP.2005.06)
  • UV Software: CANopen-over-TCP/IP (CANopen Gateway using BerliOS SocketCAN)


Program CANopen Object Browser for generic CAN Interfaces
Current Version Version of November 11, 2010
Documentation Getting started and Online-help (context-sensitive)
License UVS Freeware License (without warranty or support)
Standards CANopen Specifications: CiA DS-301, CiA DS-305, CiA DS-306, CiA DS-309
Drivers IXXAT VCI V2, PEAK PCAN-Basic + PCAN-Light, Vector XL Driver, ASPopen (RS-232/CAN-Wandler), Winsock (CANopen-over-TCP/IP)
Category Industrial Communication, CANopen, CAN, TCP/IP, RS-232
Operating System Windows 2K/XP, but it is also running on Windows 10
Older Versions

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